In his book Darren teaches of the wonderful empowering feeling to be gained by doing what he calls Book Ending Your Day. Much can happen in your day that you are not in control over and you need to be able to flow and roll with it. That is not new news to any of us. But what Darren reminds us is that though you may not be able to control all of the events of your day, you can control your responses to them. And what better way to build a feeling of control than by practising it and exercising control over the parts that you can - the beginning and the end of each day.
For me, to flow and not lose my way, requires me to be able to do all that open heart and open mind flowing, while remaining well rooted in me. I have known that for years now, but I was lost in the idea that a huge chunk of time needed to be dedicated to that grounding every week or so. I wasn't making that grounding of myself a part of my regular daily routine in small ways as I do now.
Darren talks about beginning your day in a routine that sets you up for feeling success. Since reading his wonderful book I have tweaked a morning routine that has become essential to me. I was never much of a morning person so this was a toughy for me when I was staring. But now that my morning routine has become so important, I easily get out of bed 30mins earlier so I can be sure that I am not feeling rushed. My morning routine has become one the best parts of my day and I love that I can always count on it, and on me.
I used to check my emails and other messages as I had my breakfast. Now, that waits. I make a tea or coffee and read something inspiring (usually just a short something, there is no shortage of inspiration in the wonderful blogs I have bookmarked). After a good stretch, 5mins of meditation and a shower, I am ready to begin the day feeling rooted and certain of myself.
That rooted feeling helps me to stay on task while also being able to flow within the day's events. After dinner and before I end the day I am sure to bring myself back full circle, to that grounded feeling place. The evenings end with a reflection of my day and a plan for tomorrow's activities. I have traded in crap TV for an hour of me time. Usually I read or watch something that both entertains and inspires. Being a continual student of The Universe and the teachings and ideas of others is what helps me to feel like I am continually moving in a forward direction. My evening "ready for bed" routine includes more gratitude. Some times I write my thoughts down in a journal, I love having a tangible collection of what I feel is my good stuff, and sometimes it is verbal. Whether written or recited its important to me to go to sleep feeling the best that I can. It is my conscious way of continuing the cycle I spent time creating for myself this morning and setting myself up for a good start to tomorrow.
It's called book ending your day. The idea is to replace some of the overwhelm in many of our lives with a balanced feeling of mastery. And the thought is that that can be created by exercising your power of control in what you are doing at either end of your day. Create a routine of daily success habits that work for you, whatever they maybe, and feel the chaos of the day dim.
Sharing ideas is what helps us all grow into better versions of ourselves. Do you have a routine already? Are there success habits that are helping you to grow and move yourself forward towards your best life? I'd love for you to share your routines or ideas here in the comments section of on my Facebook page.