Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Last Night Was Not At All What I Had Planned

Variety may very well be the spice of life. And though I enjoy my routines and I know that they are, for me, a very valuable part of my life, I am also one who likes to change it up every now and again.  Welcome to a Wednesday post. Here I go.....changing it up again. And along with "it" I am adjusting my perspective on a few things too. All so that I can avoid beating myself up over something trivial, like having my posts be shared on a specific day of the week.  

Usually I try to share my thoughts with you on a Tuesday, but this week, having not scheduled the time to actually do the writing in advance, when Tuesday got a little - or a lot - busy with dinner guests and helping kids with homework and well, regular life stuff, I had to let go of my Tuesday deadline and keep moving forward. And you know what.... ??? ..... the sun still came up today. 

Lesson learned. I can do it. My routines and schedules and plans are all good and helpful tools, but I am learning to flow a little more too. Sometimes, as well planned as my week might be, things just don't always happen exactly as I expect.  And that's just fine, sometimes it's even better.  Last night is a great example.  

I have been "flowing" in my days with an exhausting head cold for over a week now.  Keeping up with the required work has been all that I can seem to get done. Breathing has taken some extra work and has drained a lot of my physical energies.  By 7 pm, I am ready for bed. (That hasn't been helpful in my getting the bathroom painted this week for sure, but the trimmed and taped walls will wait for me to get there when I am ready. I really want to enjoy the process of this project so..... I am gonna wait a few days until I feel like I will enjoy completing what I have begun.  I digress.)

Last night, I was making dinner and then planned to opt out of whatever card game the girls would want to play because I had a topic of discussion in my head and a Tuesday blog deadline that was quickly closing. But what actually ended up happening, was not that. 

I watched silly movie with an 11 year old whose older sister was overloaded with homework and couldn't play tonight. And then, as the 11 year old headed bed and I cracked my lap top, still thinking that I could do it all before the clock hit Wednesday, older sister needed help with her homework.  Not usually my help that she asks for, I was ready to prove myself a worthy support system. That meant letting go of what I had planned. 

It was officially Wednesday when we all closed the school books and went to bed. My deadline had passed, and I was totally fine with it because I knew you would understand that I had been busy walking my talk. I was embracing the life that was unfolding around me and living in my NOW moment, just like I talk about doing. 

It wasn't the moment or the activity I had planned (Grade 10 Civics and English homework would never have even been on my radar as possible planned activities for me).  It certainly wasn't the evening that I had known would bring me great satisfaction. And now as I write this, I can add to the list of changes that I am not even discussing the thoughts that I had been preparing for this week's post. I am flowing where life takes me, and it is not only just as good as I imagined it..... it's way better.  

As I have believed for years and explained in countless other teaching moments, being able to stay open to possibility and to embrace what comes (whether is its Grade 10 Civics homework or a Jim Carey laugh-a-thon) can bring with it unexpected rewards.  The kind of rewards that give us the opportunity to affirm what is really important. The kind that can build relationships. The kind that we write blog posts about. 

I think it's fun to have the Universe give me such gentle reminders to stay present and malleable, and to also reaffirm that the important things in life are always attached to people that I love. 


How about you?? Do you schedule yourself or do you find you are one who can flow more with whatever comes?? Can you do both when the opportunities present themselves?? Have you always been that way or were you able to discover and learn the behaviour that works well for you??  

I'd love for you to use the comments section below to share you story or your thoughts.  And should you feel so inclined, I would love for you to share this post in whatever social media arena you like best.

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