Kate Lindsay, Life Coach – the 68 Second Expert

Kate, a nature lover and country girl at heart, grew up in Southern Ontario, Canada. She definitely had the taste for travelling, but after 10 years in Toronto and a brief spell in Iowa, USA, she is now back living in a country environment where she has always been happy.
As most young women of her time, on the quest for finding happiness and meaning in life, has had her fair share of life experiences and disappointments, been in and out of love and gone through heart ache of breakups.
I met Kate through a closed Facebook group for the
Quantum Success Coaching Academy™ where we are/were both students. She is 6 months ahead of me and graduated earlier this summer. I remember her excitement and pride in her achievement.
In fact it was that vitality, energy and excitement that I saw and felt in Kate that gave me the idea for this Life Coaches Interview Series. Here was yet another “ordinary” person who had managed to turn their lives around just by following a training course! Sounds too good to be true, but it is.
Kate was more than happy and eager to share her story with me and she fully understands that the lessons, hardships and even depression she has experienced along the way were to give her that background and wisdom needed to help others.
In 2012, she was working in a truck plant. Unfulfilled and thinking of going back to school for training, she was accepted into a college program but she was not happy about it and was dragging her heals accepting the position. A nasty ear infection kept her at home for a few days. With time on hand she went through her bookmarks and stumbled upon
Christy Whitman’s QSCA Life Coach Certification course site.
Very excited, she watched the Life Coach training online free videos and realized that she already possessed several coaching skills. What she was missing were the deeper and inner understanding of mastering specific coaching techniques and processes.
She then felt like a path was unfolding right there in front of her and she understood, from the little she knew about how to use the Law of Attraction, that becoming a life Coach was her passion and purpose. There had to be a reason or message for her in finding the training and Coaching Academy.
Kate told me how she had to juggle her time when she started her
Life Coaching Certification with Christy Whitman’s Coaching Academy in May (2012) as she was working a 6 day week. As monotonous and tiring as her job was on the assembly line, whilst other colleagues were listening to rap or rock ‘n roll, she listened to class lesson recordings and particularly to the abrahamhicks audios while a truck was passing in front of her every 60 seconds.
This helped her practice one of the many coaching techniques taught at the (QSCA), a specific Law of Attraction one, the 68 seconds Process. The idea behind it is that if you focus on a subject for 68 seconds the vibration is powerful enough to begin manifestation of that desire. She had many opportunities to practice. I now call Kate the 68 Second Expert!
As she progressed through the five modules of the QSCA lessons, she started understanding the great value of this coaching training. She liked the fact that it was presented in such a way that even someone unfamiliar about how to use the Law of Attraction could work right alongside with an experienced Life Coach who had a much greater understanding of the way the Law of Attraction works.
She felt as though she was going through an exciting growth experience and it was incredibly helpful to have the classes set up the way they were. It just fitted in nicely to what she already had going on.
She didn’t wait to quit her job to start coaching people. She knew that she needed 70 coaching hours of recorded sessions with clients using specific coaching techniques and processes for her coaching qualification with the QSCA. So, as early as October 2012 she had started making the time to coach people and build up her coaching practice.
This was just as well, because in March 2013, she was laid off from her job. This had to be the Law of Attraction in Action working to the Full! Perfect timing all round. The message from the universe was crystal clear telling her to “go fly little bird, go fly!”
Her course was finishing in May, so she now had the time to concentrate on her studies and complete her
Life Coaching Certification course at Christy’s Whitman Coaching Academy by early summer. What was seen by the other workers as a very bad time, she saw this as the opportunity it was.
A new talent that Kate discovered, or unleashed was writing. I’ve been following
Kate’s inspiring Blog – “Get to the Good”. She admits that she wasn’t even an English major, but when she finds something that resonates with her, she loves telling her story from her personal point of view about the way everything has come together for her. She writes like she is speaking to you. Reading her posts is like you’re sat having a coffee with her overlooking her lake!
Kate had been diagnosed as “clinically depressed” for several years, and is comfortable about sharing that with others. She knows what it is like to be lost and without a clear view in life. With conscious work on her part she has overcome the dark times and has changed her old habits and patterns of thought. A quote I like from her blog is “there really are so many ways in which we can root through all of the grey and get to the good”
In just 3 years this young lady has managed to change her life in so many wonderful ways. From being homeless and having to move back to her parent’s basement, an ended long term relationship, no job, she now finds herself living in the countryside she so loves, beside a lake, in a strong relationship with a wonderful man, and has been through an amazing transformational journey.
“I’m so blessed because I changed my habit of thought, my mindset. A powerful thing. I see that QSCA Coaching Academy really helped develop that in me.”
“I said to my family when I started the QSCA that even if these lessons do not create life coach job opportunities, what they’re doing for my life already will suffice. It’s so worthwhile; it’s just the best thing ever.”
Kate is now working full time as a certified
QSCA Law of Attraction Life Coach and as she says about her Discovery Session “the first 40 minutes are on me!” Apart from building her new website and blogging, she is developing several coaching programs and hopes to have ready in the fall a 3 week online home study coaching program for people to work at their own pace and see how coaching can work for the before committing to a one to one coaching relationship.
Make sure to watch the other Life Coach Interviews too!
- See more at: http://martinemetaxa.com/becoming-a-life-coach-and-certifed#sthash.fyhw4B9h.u6pPtbOC.dpuf